In 2001, I watched my car get hit by a driver in a large old style pick up truck. He tried to flee the scene but left the truck behind. The police pulled the plate number and took all information and statements from everyone who witnessed it. I even was able to take a picture of the truck and it's driver. You would think the case was simple and me trying to get restitution for my vehicle would be simple. I brought all the receipts for work done on the vehicle and items purchased for the car with me to the trail. The criminal who hit my car started lying to the judge that he saw the car and the tires were worn and it was rusted out and he didn't want to pay the full book value. That's when the judge started looking at me like I was some sort of extortionist who frequently parks his car on the side of the road waiting for someone to destroy it. I easily produced all the receipts for the tires and pictures of it before it was destroyed. The judge awarded me with the full amount and they set up a payment plan. I received Five hundred dollars in 10 years and when I questioned the New Hampshire courts they said they had no way of keeping track of the payments and they could do nothing.
So for many cases the Courts are a waste of time where you take time off from work just to be abused and never get satisfaction. Yet this court probably employs many people who and I'm not sure what they are doing, because they couldn't keep track of my money when the checks had to go through them. If you owed them fifty dollars in parking tickets they wouldn't hesitate to send a sheriff over to drag you out of your house in the morning.
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