Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rehabilitation and Punishment

There's no doubt that prison is a form of punishment but for some its a place to get away from the troubles that got them there and a place to begin healing.

Rehabilitation is a key factor for inmates who will be released from prison. It is impossible to just punish someone and hope when they are released they will do the right things. Most people who are not rehabilitated will just fall back into their old habits and likely end up back in jail.

So when they are released it would be good that they have the necessary skills to cope with the outside world in new and different ways. Many prisons have programs for their inmates to help them cope with their release. They can get a GED; take classes on parenting, diversity and conflict resolution. There has to be a push toward rehabilitation over punishment. Since most of these people need a highly structured environment to keep them for doing what they would normally do, being a prison can be a good thing for those people.

There is no doubt that some people see everything as a offense against them and see everyone as a potential victim. They will lash out at anyone they see as an enemy, and they can't be allowed in the general population because they will instigate and rowel the other inmates. Or people who have been convicted of such Hannis crimes that their moment to moment actions can not be predicted and have to stay alone in a cell for their and everyone's safety. For them Prison should be a punishment and they should not be allowed to socialize and should always be held or dispatched with in ways that benefit society.

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