I know what you’re thinking, “Is he saying we should have felons fight each other and sell tickets?” Absolutely! These criminals are already fighting each other inside the jails why not cultivate that into some profit. Gladiator matches to the death, notoriety for the winners and respect that many of them yearn for. The venue is already established the prison yard or for some color inside the Cell Block.
What should we do with the losers of these matches? Should we bury them in an honorable way inside a pine box taking up valuable real estate next to your grandmother? Is there a way to make dead bodies more valuable to those of the living? I say there is! Namely food for animals, dog and cat food are already made from discarded entrails and snots could it be worsened from ground up humans? I understand that may be an unpleasant option for most people but there are others.
Blood and bone marrow are known to make very good plant
Blood and bone marrow are known to make very good plant

“Feed the next generation with the last.”
Are the empty vessels of our former selves really that important? I beg you bring a prisoner home in someway.
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